Thursday, March 21, 2019

Write Your Own Cheques


Image result for income quotesBelieve it! You can with well spent time and effort, earn the equal or twice as much your present monthly income. I may be as soon as you want it to, or in the next six months. 
After that, you can practically be not just guaranteed at least that much, but probably much more, every year for the rest of your life, with continued same hours and effort.

Image result for earn at home
Image result for earn at home
Image result for earn at homeThe way to accumulate this kind of wealth is with your own business of selling merchandise via an assortment of customer contact, approach methods. Direct Selling, Networking, Retailing and even the the Party Plan are just a few. Today via the social media is another income approach. Own businesses can easily give income quickly and in an increasing manner, year after year.

A recent questionnaire, circulated among hundreds of successful direct sales merchandisers across the country asked this questions: "If you were to start over today, knowing what you know now and could choose the one method of merchandising that would make you really rich in the shortest period of time, which would you select?" Of these questionnaires returned, 94% stated they would go The Party Plan Method.

The sharp party plan operators (and the richest) simply hold motivational sales meetings for their sub-distributors about once a month. During these meetings, they are teaching their sub-dist
ributors how to recruit new hosts and hostesses, or husband and wife host and hostess teams.

A host or hostess can be any person who is agreeable to holding
 a sales party at his or her house. Almost always, this person is rewarded for having the party with a percentage of the total business or an agreed upon special merchandise gift.
Image result for we get you started
These people invite friends, neighbours and relatives to the party. Your sub-distributor doesn't have to do much more than make contact with people willing to hold parties, supply the merchandise, and sometimes offer to help or be there to make sure every thing goes smoothly.

Here's th
e kind of money you can realize with this business: Say you have ten sub-distributors, and each one arranges only five parties a month, and each party does $2OO in gross business. That's a total of $10,000 per month in total volume. And from that total volume, you make only 30%. Figure it out for yourself. This would give you a personal income of $3,000 for thirty days in which you did no more than hold one or two motivational sales meetings!
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Besides, each party is almost guaranteed to give your sub-distributor at least two more hostesses for future parties and those future parties will provide still more hostesses. This chain is endless, and will build as fast as you can keep up with it.

To get your start in this fabulous method of merchandising, become a host or hostess yourself. Give a few parties yourself, and learn the ropes.

Choose an evening for your party - any evening excepting Friday through the weekend. Generally 7:30 is the most convenient time for the greatest number of people. If it's inconvenient for whatever reason to hold a party in your home, arrange with a friend to hold the first couple of parties.

Make up a list of 30 to 60 people you can invite to the party. They can be friends, neighbours, relatives or people you know from work, even acquaintances with whom you do business such as the check-out clerk where you buy your groceries or people you meet at the bus stop on your way to work.

Call for details and information:                            

K. Thiruselvam: 016-3712762    

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